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Old 12-04-2012, 06:43 AM
Cantwaittoarrive Cantwaittoarrive is offline
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Originally Posted by CarolSells View Post
Villages PL said "this morning I went outside at about 6:10 am to get my newspaper. As I turned to come back toward the house (walking east) I looked up and saw what at first looked like a bright star. But almost instantly I realized it was too big and bright to be a star and there were no other stars in the sky.

It was not blinking or flickering and did not appear to be moving. It also did not have a distinct or perfect round shape. It was very much like a bright light coming from a star."

I believe that what you saw was Jupiter. I have been seeing it myself and am in total awe! I mentioned it to my son and DIL and commented that it is so bright and since it is only this visible to us in Nov and Dec that it looked like 'The Star In The East'. Now the moving part I don't have an explanation for.
Jupiter was exactly what I was thinking