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Old 01-24-2015, 02:54 PM
Paper1 Paper1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Challenger View Post
As of 2014 there is $2.6 trillion in the Social Security Trust Fund. Funds are invested in US Govt Bonds(arguably the safest investment in the world).

The fund earns (goes back to the Fund) about $99billion a year from interest on the bonds.

If the Feds did not borrow from the Fund , they would borrow it from others at probably the same annual interest cost.

So in a way all taxpayers even those now retired are contributing to the fund(interest on the debt)

You can argue that the Feds borrow too much but they have not in fact stolen from the Fund.
I struggle with why so very many intelligent people continue to refer to this imaginary trust fund as if it was really backed by assets. It is just part of the 18 trillion dollars that will somehow be magically resolved. As we bury our heads in the sand we do expose another sensitive part of our anatomy.