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Old 01-27-2015, 04:57 PM
tomwed tomwed is offline
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At golf today someone told me 17 deaths in 4 years due to golf cart accidents. Someone here gave a statistic too. I couldn't find it. Is that true?

I would like to read the reports and see if there are common denominators that can be corrected by changing the road condition.

A few tunnels have speed bumps and they make people slow down. I don't have a cart for now so I bike the paths. I stay mostly south and I know of only a couple of blind spots. A speed bump before a blind spot makes sense to me. I use the tunnel mirrors.

Just telling people to slow down is overly optimistic. Another guy in my group said that insurance will not cover any losses if your cart can go over 20 mph. Is that true?

Seat belts make sense. You would like to think that the person not wearing the seat belt made that decision and if they get hurt it wouldn't bother the driver in the other cart but I don't think most people are built that way.