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Old 02-04-2015, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by memason View Post
Let me see if I understand...

Only unvaccinated children would be at risk of getting measles, right?

If other children are vaccinated, they would not get the measles from an unvaccinated child, right?

Does anyone know if any of the measles cases, in California, have been children that were previously vaccinated?

Is my thinking flawed?

Babies are not vaccinated until they are one year old. Unvaccinated children could easily infect them at McDonalds, the playground, grocery store etc.

I also have a problem with the thinking "you vaccinate your child so mine won't get the measles even if I don't vaccinate him". It's everyone's responsibility to protect each other and their thinking of the danger has been proven untrue. As a matter of fact the doctor that started all this has had his medical license revoked.