Thread: AK-47's
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Old 02-05-2015, 08:32 PM
tomwed tomwed is offline
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Originally Posted by dbussone View Post
Tom - my son took a class that was mandatory for all male sophomores in high school. There were probably 100 males in that sophomore class. I had to pay for his participation - and it was mandatory for him to take. He received a certificate upon completion that he has retained (and he is 39).

My solution for the bilingual issue will not be popular. "If you are here, we're an English language speaking country. Your language is great as a secondary language. Learn English or leave." That was my Italian grandmother's philosophy and it's good enough for me.

My guess would be that fewer than 50% of the population owns the majority of guns, so that decreases your educational needs significantly. As far as new sales go, make sure a new purchaser has either a concealed weapon permit or a certificate proving that a gun safety course has been taken.
It's only 160 million people or less who need training minus any schools that have been training all along.
Anyone who doesn't speak English is exempt or is required to learn English before attending class and someone will be hired to enforce the rule.
All my great grandparents came through Ellis Island. By the time my grand parents came along they were assimilated too. It's very common where I came from. We lived close to Ellis Island.
I'm a retired teacher. When I started teaching we had drivers Ed and many shop, music and art classes that had to be dropped as budgets got voted down. Guess who voted them down?