Thread: War on ISIL
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Old 02-06-2015, 11:10 AM
Posts: n/a

it did not take the king of Jordan many hours to make good on his threat and response. Less than 24 hours.

There is no wat that could happen here in the USA under the current mentality of those in control. The well worn pattern of let's wait and see, let's study it further, let's not rush to accuse or hurt some elements feelings, let's wait and see what others do/think.

The let's go on national television and talk....and talk...and talk some more.

I have said it before and will state it again here.....i trul beleive the "WH" actually feels they have addressed the issue by talking about it. No actions No accountability.

We the people have become accustomed to the routine, hence some of our expectations are truly depressed.

The enemy have also become accustomed to the pattern and style. Hence they are emboldened to do as they may.

A good example? The long and painful decision to start to bomb ISIS' march across Iraq. The speech announcing we are going to do so full of rhetoric how we will slow ISIS down and ultimately destry them.
Has there been an update how we are doing? We know by the news every day how ISIS is doing. They are alive and well and CONTINUING with no fear of the USA.

And that is not going to change until there is a change in the attitude of the "WH" about who our enemies are and what to do about it.

For starters give Jordan what they need to win their not study it for weeks to decide.....the enemy knows that is what we do.
Not the king of Jordan.