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Old 02-06-2015, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I was raised that you did not have to respect a man who didn't deserve it, but you always respected the rank. That was true whether it was an officer in the military, a CEO of a corporation or an elected official. The rank has validity whether earned by the person holding it or not. Therefore, even if I didn't like a politician, I have always respected the fact that he was elected by a majority of voters.

I truly disliked Reagan's policies. I doubt I would have shed even a mental tear if Hinckley would have succeeded. Even so, I never spoke about him with the disrespect, flat out lies and disdain I've seen thrown at our present President. Whether you like it or not, he was elected to lead our nation, not once but twice. Feel free to disagree his policies but show respect for the office. As my father taught me, if you can't do that, keep your mouth shut!

And if this doesn't get me killed, nothing will.
You must have been out of the country from 2001 thru....well, going to say 2008 but it still continues today.