Thread: AK-47's
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Old 02-06-2015, 04:02 PM
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Originally Posted by pivo View Post
Geez how time has changed, When I was ten yrs old after we lost my Father, My Mother
bough me a 12 gauge mossberg shot gun from Sears cost 29 dollars, I use to carry it on my shoulder through the streets, past schools up the mountain to hunt, nobody I mean nobody though anything was wrong,
Can you imagine if that was today, I probably would be taken away from her.
Where the heck are we headed ?
We have been headed there for the last 20 years. With all the graphic detailed killing and violence toward man continuously in the movies and on television.
Before that time some things were left to the imagination. Then it was all out blood and guts and dismembering, slaughtering folks with guns and what ever else. The rotten foul language. The drug culture glorified by the same presenters.

Kids exposed to this from infancy and with the age of television no further than their living room.

The message? It is OK to kill and maim and murder and rape. Day after day.

The selective enforcement of our laws demonstrating that one can actually get away with murder, rape, grand larceny depending who you are.

Add to all the above the sports greats who do the dirty nasty drugs and beatings. Add to that the lawmakers in local and federal positions doing the same thing.

There IS NO mystery how we devolved into a violent, permissive anything society.