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Old 02-06-2015, 07:29 PM
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There have been frequent mentions from selected posters to the Tampa Bay Times and their POLITICFACT portion where they measure lying by public figures. I can tell you from living there for a bit, that the Times is a VERY VERY left wing paper.

Having said that, to those who think we should be treating this President with such respect...I offer this, from the Times

All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact

It is FOUR pages of what they are calling lies by our President...FOUR PAGES.

Now, having said that, I put very little stock into some of these things as defining a lie in politics and statemanship is tough. I would prefer to discuss issues and am only responding because folks are coming on here like this man has been persecuted when in fact it is just the opposite.

I certainly will not hold back on pointing out his lies but would prefer to move on to issue that are facing us today. If a lie of his is involved so be it.....

I say again to those who are so worried about how he is treated....not sure where you were between 2001 and 2008 but wow......not saying much was not deserved but again....keep in run for this office, you will be the most criticized man on earth and to blame mistakes or errors on being disrespectful is simply foolhardy and the epitome of simple party before country thinking.