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Old 02-11-2015, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by sunnyatlast View Post
I just heard Meghan Kelly and Brit Hume discussing the post mortem on FNC, and from their tone and sympathy, you'd have thought Mother Theresa had just been crucified.

Gimme a break. The empty suit has been making a fortune and can retire on his NBC retirement investments and then write books and give speeches and keep making a fortune off gullible people.
I caught part of Meghan Kelly and Brit Hume and was just as shocked when Shephard Smith broke in on the O'Reilly show for breaking news about the suspension. After I thought about it I realized this is a big deal to these folks cause they are in the business and can relate. I don't think they realize this isn't even a blip on most of our radar screens. But then again maybe it is since we are all talking about it.