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Old 02-12-2015, 03:51 AM
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Default Ahhh....

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Has any other president, or for that matter, public figure, been subjected to such speculation about his/her birth and background? We can thank cable news, talk radio, and the Internet for much of that - with the willing support of an easily influenced partisan audience. It is documented, he was raised by Christians in Hawaii, moved to Indonesia with his mother and stepfather where he went to Catholic elementary school, moved back to Hawaii to live with his Christian grandparents and has been a practicing Christian in adulthood. When you are in a known group of right wingers you should feel free to talk about this ridiculous clap trap, but in the general public, or on an open forum know that most folks are laughing at your pitiful grasp of reality.
fairly simplistic view of the world today and easy to see where your beliefs fall...if you fail to view all the news with a bit of common sense then your view of the world is skewed by your bias...of which you seem to have a plethora...if you did any research you'd see that the main stream media(of which you have such faith)has always dug into the past of most conservative candidates/president with great zeal....but not always a fair and balanced take on both sides...sounds a bit like you eh?

Thank you cable news for reporting on all the issues and not just the ones siding with some of the liberals whose view of the world through rose colored glasses seems to ignore reality in favor of wishful thinking and dumping on America to the rest of the world...gosh...we haven't done anything at all for anyone but ourselves have we(read intense sarcasm)...what a selfish bunch we are(see trillions given to other countries in aid(medical, educational and military)...