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Old 02-15-2015, 03:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sheeeeeesh ........ what a windbag.

Couldn't care less if the Koch bros., or anyone else, raises 1 or 2 billion dollars for the a POTUS candidate in '16 - I believe in the '12 campaign they raised 3/4 of a billion dollars to oppose Obama ................ that worked out well.
Dear couldn't care less: Your comments are an "emotional name calling rant"and not a logical counter point. I suspect in all due respect it was because you were overwhelmed with the cogent and multi-packed documented facts presented by the OP

The short version for you is Soros is determined to bring down our democracy and unfortunately greedy Bush hating democrats like Reid are easy prey and make a Faustian bargain

Personal Best Regards: