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Old 02-15-2015, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
More from the last 24 hours.....Maureen Dowd this time...

"But, for now, what Republicans say about government is true of the Clintons: They really do believe that your money belongs to them."

"I’LL pay for this column.

The Rottweilers will be unleashed.

Once the Clintons had a War Room. Now they have a Slime Room.

Once they had the sly James Carville, fondly known as “serpenthead.” Now they have the slippery David Brock, accurately known as a snake.

Brock fits into the Clinton tradition of opportunistic knife-fighters like Dick Morris and Mark Penn.

The silver-haired 52-year-old, who sports colorful designer suits and once wore a monocle, brawled his way into a Times article about the uneasy marriage between Hillary Clinton’s veteran attack dogs and the group of advisers who are moving over from Obamaland

Interesting piece. If you have an interest in politics, it is a good read
Maureen Dowd has been running this same column since 1998, and David Brock left the Clinton campaign last week. Old news.