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Old 02-15-2015, 04:04 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear Guest,

Let's say you're having an important conversation with a friend and just getting to a crucial point when someone interrupts. Isn't that distracting and frustrating? That's exactly what "could be" occurring here, but there's no feedback. You're trying to make a point and you can't determine if the person you're conversing with responded or someone else, or even multiple different people.

I wonder why no one hosts a cocktail party in a pitch black room with everyone using identical voice synthesizers? That's exactly the virtual scenario on this political forum. There is no feedback loop, and without it, conversation is ineffective. Traffic will taper off in this forum (after initial interest) due to the above.

This anonymity idea was not well thought out.
I was going to make this very same point including the analogy of having a conversation in room with the lights out. I agree the anonymity has proven to be unwise and should be dropped. Besides emails go out with the userid anyway so what's the point ?