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Old 02-16-2015, 08:47 AM
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Default Sadly this is true

While I opposed the election of our current President from way back in 2007, I did, after a bit hold out hope that maybe just maybe he might be what he said he was and what he appeared to be......

" And in his Inaugural Address in January 2009, he said: “We have come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the petty recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics .  .  . the time has come to set aside childish things.”

As he left the inaugural ceremony, former House speaker Newt Gingrich told his wife, Calista, “If he’ll govern the way he just spoke, he’ll be Eisenhower. .  .  . He’ll split the Republican party. He’ll dominate the country.”


"But Obama hasn’t governed like Ike, a unifying national leader. Almost instantly, he became a highly partisan president. He had promised to consult Republicans in Congress and listen to their ideas. Yet he’s done that rarely and then usually in a false show of bipartisanship. He insinuates Republicans have nothing worthwhile to tell him."

"President Obama’s claim to have disapproved of gay marriage until he changed his mind in 2012 has been exposed as a lie. It was a small, politically expedient lie, but it got a lot of attention last week. Meanwhile a bigger lie hovers over the Obama presidency like an avenging angel, unseen and unheard.

The bigger lie wasn’t a fleeting comment. It was the crux of Obama’s presidential campaign. He didn’t say he was more liberal and more experienced than his opponents. But he did say he knew how to cleanse Washington of political and ideological polarization, raging partisanship, the frequency of personal attacks, and general dysfunction. This made him unique—and very, very appealing.

"And though he had positioned himself as a champion of national unity, Obama has been a divisive force on racial, economic, and political concerns. He spoke out in racially loaded controversies involving the brief arrest in Cambridge, Massachusetts, of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates and later the killing of Trayvon Martin, saying he saw the Florida teenager as the son he didn’t have."

"But Obama has put himself in a higher class, morally speaking. He did this with his 2004 speech at the Democratic convention. “There is not a liberal America and a conservative America—there is the United States of America,” he said. “There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America—there’s the United States of America.”

Great speech. Too bad Obama acts as if he never spoke those inspiring words."

An opinion piece to be sure and the author is someone who I do not always agree with, but he really nailed this. A very frustrating time and someone said on this forum yesterday to "remember you heard it here first",....well, allow me to say that once this presidency is over,not matter who wins the WH, I say you will read so much about the last years that will be shocking and you will hear it from Democrats !!!!

The link below to the article has much more detail, and it might be wise to read it, but it makes me sad, really. ON the old political forum, he certainly generated a lot of hope.
