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Old 02-16-2015, 02:24 PM
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Default What is US strategy?

I hear this from conservatives, which I am one, all the time. I am very troubled by how our "leaders" address this. We have an enemy that is planning very quietly and secretly how to do as much damage to us as possible with very limited resourses. At a time when our leaders should be putting aside their Dem/Rep ideals and working together they instead are running to any TV camera or microphone they can find and spilling their guts out as to why the other party does not know what they are doing. This ISIS seems to be able to protect their leader and even the guy doing the beheadings using their approach. We also have a long line of ex-military officers on TV daily trying to convince us what we are doing is all wrong. This open debate is just plain wrong when we have soldiers in the field fighting.