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Old 02-16-2015, 06:00 PM
Posts: n/a

Believe it or not, this is from the KOREA HERALD.....KOREA...

"f this NBC news anchor thing doesn’t work out for Brian Williams, I’ve got the perfect job for the guy:

Hillary Clinton’s press secretary.

Or better yet, as the New Commander McBragg.

The problem is that Commander McBragg is a cartoon character from the old Tennessee Tuxedo cartoon show that no one remembers. Tennessee was a penguin. Chumley was the big, fat, stupid walrus.

And McBragg was a British colonel, who would brag and brag about his war exploits, making this a perfect character for Williams to play, except, again, this business about McBragg being a cartoon.

Williams is only turning into a cartoon. He isn’t a full-fledged cartoon, yet.

So Hillary’s press secretary it is.

Can’t you just picture them, Hill and Bri, holding court in a hotel bar on the campaign trail, regaling reporters with their crazy (yet completely untrue) war stories?

Clinton can retell her lie about how she braved snipers in Bosnia, perhaps throwing in a fake laugh or two, the devil-may-care laugh of beret-wearing French resistance fighters in bad movies.

Her eyes crinkle just so and the high-pitched cackle is released and you just know it’s sincere.

[John Kass] Brian Williams, Hillary Clinton should swap war stories