Thread: Parking Moron
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Old 02-19-2015, 10:11 AM
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2BNTV 2BNTV is offline
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This thread was more about human nature in that some people have the attitude of, "it's all about me". They can't inconvenience themselves to park correctly, as they need to save their energy by saving a few footsteps and go onto, doing nothing.

Same people who won't return shopping carts to the proper designated areas, instead of just leaving them, where it's convenient for them.

No one is powerful enough to change their behavior, except themselves.

It reminds me to politely ask my neighbor to have his guest not park in his driveway, as I might back out and hit them, resulting in insurance rates going up for them and me. There is a parking area only a few feet away, GOD forbid they should use it. Somehow, I feel this is an exercise, for getting aerobics, for my tongue.
"It doesn't cost "nuttin", to be nice". MOM

I just want to do the right thing! Uncle Joe, (my hero).