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Old 02-21-2015, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear Posters: If you care to notice the hateful rant by the OP whether real or not set the cadence for this thread and it isn't pretty.
Where's the hate? Why don't you quote the exact hateful statement you disagree with? You can't, because there's no hate, just someone's OPINION that differs from yours.

Liberals do want to be taken care of; that's why they pass all sorts of cradle to grave socialist entitlement programs. Notice how most European countries are struggling under the massive weight of all their programs.

Liberals fear risking their capital; that's why they prefer pensions to self-guided retirement programs, and want expanded social security, etc… Tax and spend - except it's confiscate from others and spend largely on themselves in the form of more entitlements.

Liberals envy the successful; that's why Wall St. is the go-to boogie man as well as big corporations and the 1% earners. Success is demonized and portrayed as "unfair". Life is zero-sum in their minds; if someone is successful (ex. Bill Gates) then the liberal mantra is that he "got ahead" by taking from others, or disproportionately receiving too large a share of the nation's bounty. There's NEVER a mention that he legitimately and legally EARNED his wealth! (cue the big idiot and his socialist line, "You didn't build your business!…GOVERNMENT built your business!!"