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Old 02-23-2015, 01:24 PM
Polar Bear Polar Bear is offline
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Originally Posted by Villages PL View Post
Death By Colonoscopy: Side Effects of Screening

Colonoscopy: Is It Worth The Risk?

The above links serve as a reminder to me that I'm doing the right thing by not getting a colonoscopy. It's definitely not for me. I've decided to resist the pressure put on me by others, including my HMO/doctor.

Read the links and decide for yourself whether you should get tested.
It's an individual decision of course, VPL. But I hope you at least give it due consideration. I want to share a little family history. Again, each situation is different. Just take this as one piece of information for what it's worth...

My dad died of colon cancer in the early 80's. At that time, it was recommended for a little while that high risk individuals, like myself, should have a colonoscopy every year. Thanks goodness that changed not long thereafter to once every few years. Now it's pretty much every five years. Suffice it to say, I have had a few colonoscopies. I have had no adverse effects in any way. And I do get a good feeling knowing I'm doing okay after the procedure.

My dad was not one to go to the doctor. I've never shaken the feeling that if he had gone for more checkups, which likely would have included occasional colonoscopies, he could have lived a lot longer life. I so wish I had encouraged him to do so.

Now comes the fall of last year, and we get word from Ohio that my sister-in-law has stage four colon cancer. I was very surprised that she also had not seen a doctor in far too long. She has been sole care-giver to my brother, sick with Parkinson's Disease, for a very long time. Now my brother has had to be moved to a care facility, and my niece has to take care of both of her parents. It's been devastating to say the least.

Please don't think that I (or any of my family) is looking for sympathy. My only point is that colon cancer has had a huge impact on my family. And I firmly believe that if my father and sister-in-law had had colonoscopies, we could have easily been a cancer-free family. Imagine the difference.

The decision for me to have periodic colonoscopies has been very easy.