Thread: Raw Food
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Old 02-25-2015, 12:24 PM
Villages PL Villages PL is offline
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Default Raw Food

There was an article in yesterday's Daily Sun about the raw food movement.
I just feel sorry for anyone who decides to try it with little or no knowledge of how to go about it. You might think, "What's there to know, you just eat raw vegetables."

If you make the right combination of mistakes, you could end up being hypothyroid or at least moving in that direction. That's what happened to me. And when I asked my doctor if diet had anything to do with it, he said no. He said it's just something that happens gradually as we age.

Luckily, I'm a skeptic and wouldn't accept his answer. I did my own research and learned that our bodies cannot produce thyroxin unless we have an adequate supply of iodine in our diet.

Certain raw vegetables are known as "goitrogens" because they block the absorption of iodine. And my second mistake was not using iodized salt but I probably wouldn't have used enough anyway.

Needless to say I corrected the situation and subsequent test results were well within normal range.