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Old 02-25-2015, 04:47 PM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is offline
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
I was listening to the Fox talking heads about whether or not the American Sniper murderer got a fair trial and they started going on about whether or nor various jury members had seen this wonderful movie about post traumatic stress. Did they -- I mean the Fox talkers-- not get the point of the movie? It is about the pain soldiers go through-- over there and then here coping with their memories. Why would seeing such a movie work against the defendant getting a fair trial?

It seemed pretty cut and tried to me that this man killed these two men knowing full well what the consequences would be. He fled the scene and had to be arrested by police.

I wish some people would use more common sense when talking about subjects like this and show some empathy. Not a subject covered all that well at the two law schools I attended even if I was only at BYU (Class of 1985) for a weiek or so. I did graduate from the University of Minnesota Law School (Class of 1989) and was working for prisoners at Minnesota Correctional Facility-Stillwater for law school academic years along with a summer. I have also been a victim/survivor rights' activist since 1991.

They also talked about outside influences on the jury like the movie. What world do these people live in? How do you make sure that no jury members have ever heard about the movie American Sniper? Get a jury with all Greenlanders who have no internet access.
I guess you just have to consider the source, fox. Them pretty babes do get distracted from the facts & common sense from time to time.
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