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Old 01-22-2008, 07:52 PM
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Default Re: What Does The "Settlement" Mean With Regard To Recreation Facilities Management?

Cabo is correct in my estimation but, like he said, the property manager is beholding to the developer because the developer is issuing his/her paycheck. This is a catch 22 because a resident board of directors also determines who the manager will be and also issues the paychecks. Resident boards are always staffed by Pips (previously important people) and they almost always tend to micro manage everybody and everything with absolutely no experience of the subject matter. At least with TV developer they have shown that they are professional and have the track record to prove it.

All HOA's hire property manager's either on campus or off. I have never seen a property manager left alone to do his/her job. The people that win these popularity contests for the board always feel that they must be heard. Just take all the difference's of opinion that you read on some of these threads. Now put all these opinions on one board of directors and the end result will be the same as everywhere else. Chaos.