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Old 02-28-2015, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Yes you're correct. It's all the Tea Party's fault. Mea culpa.

The atmosphere of "hate" has absolutely nothing to do with our glorious leader Baracko who has labored mightily in the vineyard of truth, toiling ceaselessly to make the loony rubes in Flyover to see the wisdom of his closet Stalinist ways. Nea ... the hayseeds are too hopelessly dumb to appreciate his gifted non-leadership. Why verily simply looketh at the benign state of the world in ISIS-land, as but one of multitudinous examples. and yet the haters still fail to see his narcisstic genius.

No one can deny that the Dear Leader has been a model of dispassionate honest outreach doing everything in his godly power to heal the wounds, bridge the gap of hate, and while he's at it, lower the sea levels at the same time. No one -- I mean no one -- can ever deny that Baracko loves his country, even though he knows it's rotten thanks to European " culture" that dates back to the Crusades.

Mea culpa, new culpa, mea maximum culpa.
op corn: