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Old 03-04-2015, 11:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
This list needs to have at least one more qualification added to it—integrity.

A President MUST have integrity … people have to know in their gut POTUS is honest, trustworthy and can be counted on to do the right thing, most especially when in a dark room and when no one is watching. Thus, Hilary Clinton clearly qualifies yet again.

While it’s true she’s had a problem with her emails lately, ( Hillary Clinton used private e-mail for government business at State Dept. - The Washington Post ), and while anyone who has ever worked in DC knows it’s the law that all “official records” must be kept otherwise it’s a felony, this is not a big deal. The reason is Hillary oozes with integrity, going back to the beginnings of her career, and she loves the people, is always wanting to do things to them, and because of her special status, these laws were never meant to apply to her even if technically they do.

Another perfect example of her unquestionable integrity has to do with the Clinton Foundation. Concerns over Gulf donations to Clinton Foundation as Hillary mulls 2016 race - Politics & Economics -
No one, except the rabid right wing conservative wingnuts, who are easily unhinged by the despicable faux news, really sees a problem here. Ok, so she’s Secretary of State, and at the same time, in effect soliciting “donations” from foreign governments at the same time. BFD! Hillary has the people’s interests at heart, has great intentions (it’s a charity after all) and thus is immune to such small minded criticism. Just look at her track record dating back to Arkansas, and shut up already.

In sum, Hillary 2016 –we are accepting donations today, with a minimum gift of $100,000.
That's a classic!