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Old 03-04-2015, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
How feverish is your psyche today?

There are hundreds of thousands a day? Foolishness not just hyperbole. Revealing the complete unfocused exaggeration of this situation in your brain. Since the Reagan amnesty there have been an estimated additional 12 million undocumented immigrants.
My post:

Why is it OK for hundreds of thousands to come across the border every day without any documentation?With not even having to go through a checkpoint?
Why is the boarder patrol being coerced to not enfoce the laws of entry.
Why are those who are breaking the law entitled to benefits that our own citizens do not have access to getting.
Why is it OK to have an open border policy that literally allows terrorists that are intent on killing Americans come in freely?

Why is all the above OK.

OK so I got the typing ahead of my wording. We both know that is not what was the intent. Remove the red words above.

A little more than weary of labeling, demeaning, name calling, wrong conclusions and re-stating to suit the never ever devisive agenda.

Hence forth posts with the tyical ear marks for aggitation will not be engaged. It has progressed from a challenge to humorous to untolerable non engaging BS.