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Old 03-06-2015, 09:11 AM
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As I understand it, the developers are good, caring people who set the set the tone for many, many things in the Villages. If cart safety is an important issue that needs to be addressed, why not alert visitors, quests, current residents by advertising that their rental golf carts are now equipped with seat belts.

I understand the down side would be the cost to install seat belts and having to mention the subject of operating a fun vehicle safely might take some of the fun out of its use for some. For pilots, safety is always our issue #1. For everyone else, safety also should be a prime concern. If only one life is saved, it will have been worth the expense.

For an improvement in golf carts safety in the Villages, this would seem like a small, easy first step to take. Maybe this issue has already been discussed by the powers to be. If so, I wish they would revisit all safety concerns and reconsider installing seat belts in their rental golf carts. If you know them, please pass these thoughts along for their consideration.

Last edited by twoplanekid; 03-06-2015 at 03:23 PM.