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Old 03-07-2015, 06:20 PM
Indy-Guy Indy-Guy is offline
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Default Is the word greedy a dirty word?


Greedy is perhaps one of the most used words on Talk of The Villages. Many seem to use this word as a slam against others and use it as if they have never been greedy themselves.

I had been a salesman all of my working life and I was and still am a greedy person and very proud of it. I have hired and trained many-many salespeople and would not want to hire a salesperson that is not greedy. If I were to sell my home or car or anything else I own I would want to sell it for as much as I could. Many would call that greedy and I thank you for the compliment.

I believe that the majority of the people that live in The Villages worked for profitable greedy companies that paid us well or we would not be living here. Even retired government employees worked for a greedy government that history shows has always wanted to raise taxes.

We even want our favorite sports teams to defeat their opponents by as much as possible and if they are playing their biggest rival the point spread can never be enough. Seems like greed to me. I love it when my favorite teams will.

I googled the meaning of greedy and this is what I found. on

The number 2 meaning I found interesting. The next time you go out to eat in The Villages and they give you one of those pagers as you are waiting to eat and drink just think of number 2 meaning you are greedy.

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adjective, greedier, greediest.
excessively or inordinately desirous of wealth, profit, etc.; avaricious:
the greedy owners of the company.
having a strong or great desire for food or drink.
keenly desirous; eager (often followed by of or for):
greedy for praise.
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