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Old 03-07-2015, 11:47 PM
Justus Justus is offline
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Originally Posted by tippyclubb View Post
Why is it people who want to keep their hard earned money are referred to as greedy, but the people trying to take our money are not greedy? Please explain, as it makes no sense to me.

I agree! Big business pays the lion's share of taxes in this country. Government produces nothing that contributes to the economy. The rest of the tab is forcibly extracted from working-class taxpayers. When a business, large or small, makes a profit, despite having to pay to support the entitlement class and an irresponsibly bloated government bureaucracy, it's nothing short of a miracle. Without it, there is no incentive to produce. Labeling a business - or person - who actually does produce wealth as "greedy" is tactic, used by Marxist governments and social manipulators, to create class envy. It's how they get votes and maintain control.

When a government bleeds the citizens it is elected to serve, while taking multimillion dollar junkets, using taxpayer-funded Military vehicles and personnel as private chauffeurs, legislating itself elaborate retirement and health care benefits or golden parachutes for minimal service, THAT is greed!

If government weren't so insatiably greedy, business like Walmart, and many others, large and small, wouldn't be forced to cut employee benefits. Anyone who has ever been in business for himself understands this only too well.