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Old 03-09-2015, 06:53 PM
Posts: n/a

Let's remember. FOX News is really more about political advocacy than actual "news". There really is no news at night, just red meat for the right-wing crowd. Of course their viewers trust it more than the other networks. They are the Republican hardliners, and the station is run by a Republican politico (Ailes), and the crowd roars its approval when the lions eat the Christians. Imagine if Hannity actually reported the news objectively without personal bias or inflammatory language? If Rush stopped staying "the regime?" If Ann Coulter stopped caling for the murder of college professors and educated people? Who are the real elite? Far as I can tell, right now, FOX is the "news" elite suppporting the Kochs, Adleson, Romneys, Bush's and all the Wall St. bankers who control both parties. Claiming the "elite" are just Dems reflects ignorance of the word elite (elite athletes, elite soldiers- do they too "stink" like Progressive Democrats?) FOX uses George Orwell's 1984 adage, and pioneered by Karl Rove- Attack your enemy at the point you yourself are most weak, and tell them black is white enough times so that they will believe it. "Fair & Balanced?" "The Spin Stops Here?" Only 17%of the country thinks FOX is "Balanced" hence, it is not balanced for the nation, only its narrow viewership.