Thread: Military Talk
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Old 01-25-2008, 04:32 PM
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Default Re: Military Talk

You know just reading some of these military bio's gives me the chills and makes me so proud to be an American. Anyone, and their were many, who served in combat are just extra special for this post. Although I was in during Viet Nam and overseas I was only giving support, never was in actual combat. I think we lost the last fighting man of WWI a little while back (not completely sure) but WWII, Korea and 'Nam soldiers should always and will always be quietly proud of their contribution to our great country allowing their families and friends the right to feel secure at home. I think TV might be a little too old for Desert Storm and the Iraq war but God bless those troops as well. Thank you all for your great service to our country and Red you do have a great deal to be proud of. I hope we can keep this post alive and hear from so many others who are just too modest to report in. Glad to see so many flyboys!!! (I am not partial?)