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Old 03-14-2015, 01:25 PM
Posts: n/a

There are many sides to this rubic's cube. First, the type of idealism that moves kids to march in protests for any/all causes also appears in songs and chants on buses. the passionate young.

Political correctness has gotten so out of hand that the slightest perception or misconception of a word or a party costume etc sets college students to over react. ie can you believe the guy showed up dressed like an priest call the political correct police no religion in this school

These same college/university students/professors who are highly offended and angered at what they perceive as racist, sexist, etc are the same sort of college/university students/professors that are showing themselves to be anti-semitics.

The students in question are protected under the First Amendment, unless of course your a white male, christian and patriotic then you only qualify as an offender and never the one being offended. Yes the students should be censured/disciplined for their faux pas but for God sake the liberals figuratively want to beat them to death. Liberals have in this instance and others recently literally tried to totally destroy people's lives over silliness like this. What happened to "stick and stones will break my bones but names will never matter"?

The fraternity and the University showed no political courage and allowed the politically correct/ thought police to run them out of town.

I am getting so tired of elitist educators turning their noses up at the rest of us. Its enough to make you want to

Obama/Holder/de Blasio/Sharpton ,etc have done more recently to opened up a wound that was healing quite well.

Welcome to back to the future