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Old 03-14-2015, 11:11 PM
Posts: n/a

I fully agree they should have been expelled and that the frat should be disbanded. Freedom of speech should not be squelched, but people should expect consequences for those actions.

However, it is disturbing, when saying the n-word is automatically interpreted as a definite, imminent threat to do mortal harm to someone, when in reality, the person saying it probably would NOT harm a black person physically OR emotionally NOR in an employer-employee or educational opportunity situation.

What if they sang outside the campus church on an obese woman's wedding day (as kids used to chant…):

"Here comes the bride
All fat 'n fried….."

Would THAT be interpreted as "hate speech" meriting expulsion from the school, because of an interpreted threat of "frying the bride in oil"??

I think some of the things said/chanted are being interpreted into something much worse, like physical/educational/employment harm, when really it was some drunken idiots singing drunken songs!

To me it's pretty scary that they are being treated like would-be MURDERERS!