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Old 03-18-2015, 07:38 AM
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Cedwards38 Cedwards38 is offline
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Saving of blocks of seats is a rude, selfish, inconsiderate, and obnoxious practice that should be stopped. As long as we say "nothing can be done" then that is true. But some things can be done.

(1) Complain in the annual survey.
(2) Continue to complain on this forum.
(3) Complain to the Entertainment Department. This has already demonstrated a sympathetic, but ineffective response as our friend 2BNTV emailed Ms. Vesco and got a "we can't do anything about it" response. Still we need to let them know how we feel.
(4) Complain directly to the business interests in the town squares, who I'm told provide the funding for the entertainment. Let them know that they need to complain to Ms. Vesco also.
(5) Complain to the applicable sheriff's office and demand that they step in to provide some oversight and enforcement. You and they may say that they don't have any authority to do this, but I'm not sure about that. My though process is this: If an business or governmental entitiy creates policies to govern how they operate and someone willfully and aggressively violates those policies, doesn't the business have the right to seek assistance from law enforcement? EX: (a) Movie theater requires quiet during shows and someone obnoxiously and repeatedly violates that. (b) Clothing store stipulates a certain amount of clothing can be taken into the dressing room to try on at one time and someone insists on violating this repeatedly. (c) Concert venue stipulates that no one may be seated after the beginning of a performance until the first intermission, but someone repeatedly violates this. Are these examples absurd? Maybe, but not if they happen over and over and over again and cause as much public outcry as the seat ropers do.
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