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Old 03-18-2015, 11:05 AM
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Originally Posted by DeanFL View Post
Time to ask the vet...

not a very tantalizing topic when eating a breakfast sausage...
She knows about it as she refused to kiss him at his first check-up. That was one of the vets at Buffalo Ridge. I usually just go to whomever is available there. They suggested pineapple and also something you buy that you put in the dog food. I think I have consulted several vets at Buffalo Ridge.

I am trying to get a variety of options.

A walk on a leash is the easiest but not always practical if I have a lot of other stuff to do. When he is at the dog park he is smart about trying to go where I cannot see him (or so he thinks). Then he gets it as fast as he can. I do try to watch everything he might pick up to sample as there are various poisonous plants and the like near the mail centers and as weeds in yards.