Thread: voting law
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Old 03-20-2015, 12:02 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Please list all the "better, honest, younger in thinking candidates" out there to take a look at, preferably one's who have support of 80% plus of their party and the one's who top the opposition by at least 10% points?
I don't need the list. I know I would not care what the numbers say about my candidate.
If the are not qualified, which she isn't;
Or dishonest, which she is;
Or a liar, which she is;
Or has an ethics questionable background, which she does;
Those traits do not earn my vote.

The numbers you quote above do not make her a viable candidate. All they do is assume it is good enough for the LIV's (low information voters).
The same crowd that CHOSE the then unkown Obama over Clinton (when she also had the same type numbers above).
Now just how did that happen?
Where were all you women who have been waiting so long for this woman???
How did you all allow an unknown, unqualified candidate to do that?