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Old 03-22-2015, 08:35 PM
tomwed tomwed is offline
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I tip 20% or more because I don't order much, there are a lot of cheap skates and the waiter is doing the best they can where they work now.

The truth is tipping is very unfair.

If you go fishing on a private boat here is what happens. There is a guy running around doing what you don't know how to do or is outside your comfort zone. At the end of the day you have had an experience that would not happen without him. He bates the hook, he brings in the fish from the side of the boat, he takes out the hook and cleans the fish. He deserves a really big tip.

But what does a waiter do that you couldn't do for yourself? They take the scrambled eggs or lobster from the counter to your chair. They serve a VO Manhattan or a cup of coffee. Yet the tip is based on the total price not the service.