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Old 03-26-2015, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Why are you so upset at the handful of these incidents and not at the TENS OF THOUSANDS of assaults and murders of blacks by other blacks?
Tell you what, I'll cut to the chase and answer for you.

You've been taught to be a victim by the Democrat party and the race baiters (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, etc...) Though white on black crime is literally minuscule (versus black on black), you've been taught to blame your circumstance on the white racist oppressors. You've been taught black on black crime is unimportant because it doesn't divide the community and races. It's comical, if it weren't so pathetic in its transparency and the negative consequences the constant race baiting it provokes.

You're being "handled", manipulated, used.... however you want to term it. Hopefully, one day the light switch will flip, and you'll awaken from your liberal victim-mentality and begin to see the cynical manipulation for what it is.