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Old 03-29-2015, 06:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Doesn't everyone see that the gang of five, and their beloved tea party have absolutely nothing to contribute only detract and dismiss. It's about the black guy in the White House and how to make sure he has no success, no matter what the price to our country. They are racist hypocrites, period!
Dear Guest: In case you haven't notice Obama doesn't need the help of anyone to assist him in not succeeding. He is doing well all by himself.
Obama has proven unfortunately that anyone can be president and I am afraid he has lowered the bar for the most critical position in the world.

Secondly, calling someone a racist is not an argument, its an accusation and one meant to deflect the true debate, a debate liberals can't win no matter how much they try. Jason Riley or Thomas Sowell are two black men that I would vote for in a New york second because they are honorable and honest men highly intelligent and have proven their ability to do the people's will

Obama is a divider, spiteful and small man who has placed this country both domestic and foreign in great peril...and that my friend has nothing to do about his color of his skin but the rather the content of his character.

You would be wise to reassess your thinking because people like you are complicit by acceptance in the unconstitutional dealings of this man and his Administration

Personal Best Regards: