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Old 03-29-2015, 01:59 PM
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Default Thank You Governor Pence

I want to thank Governor Pence for his political courage. Clearly this law is a rebuke to Obama's attempts to over reach to try and prevent people's rights to their religious practices. All religions are equally protected and recognized

Religions except of Muslims embraced gay people but do not embrace their acts and rightly so

The gay community levels these specious claims of discrimination because they believe a secular country is more conducive to their way of life and hence will do anything to remove religion from the equation.

Opponents criticize that Pence signing of this law was out of the public's view but it was not.

However Obamacare was passed without one Republican vote and no one even reading what was in it. he has conducted his fiats in secret including Berdahls release and the Iran nuclear deal .

Rule of Law will prevail and opponents need to stop their promulgating misinformation.

Personal Best Regards: