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Old 03-30-2015, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You have never understood basic economics and finally convinced us all you never will ... (Ps this is your cue to call me a racist and various other reliable standbys)
Don't know what this has to do with the OP, but I'll roll with it. Perhaps you can splain to us lesser minds how lowering the rates on the wealthy, and increasing the tax burden on the middle class helps the economy, or more specifically, the middle class to which most of us belong. The top marginal rate in the 50's was more than 90%, a decade in which the middle class enjoyed the greatest prosperity in history, with low unemployment, low inflation, and high productivity. The top marginal rate today is 39.6%, an era in which the middle class is losing prosperity at an alarming rate. Some of you seem to have bought into the Karl Rove, Grover Norquist, et al propaganda that the wealthy will take good care of the economy if they only get to keep more of what they acquire and get rid of those pesky regulations on their businesses. They have bought you with religious scare tactics and out and out lies to promote their agenda, which in no way benefits you or your kids and grandkids (unless you are a Walton or a Ford etc.)