Thread: Katie Belle's
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Old 04-01-2015, 09:12 AM
dadspet dadspet is offline
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This looks like a awful idea that people should strongly voice their opinion on to The Villages and editor of the article. It clearly looks like no dance floor or at best a very minimal dance floor(not sure where) with no character. The current two story look (2nd floor overlooking the dance floor) with high ceiling is part of the attraction and unique look of Katie Belles. The Villages is taking away one of our best amenities for another cookie cutter restaurant. Even those that didn't dance enjoyed watching the dancers. Oh I almost forgot "First floor future commercial use" > give me a break who cares or wants commercial stores in Katie Belles! Putting this in the same category as the renovation of the new Performing Arts center is a sham. This looks clearly like a very bad idea that I hope residents will voice their opinion on and protest. is the managing editor ( 753-1119 ext 9066) who wrote the article