Thread: Katie Belle's
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Old 04-03-2015, 08:56 AM
dadspet dadspet is offline
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Default One of the very positive impressions of The Villages Lost wo Katie Belle's

I know its hard to believe but some of us didn't come here to golf. As several have indicated Katie Belles left a very positive check mark on their "would I move here list". While Katie Belle's might not have been the only reason for us buying here (and BTW currently very south of 466) it clearly left a very positive impression of the life style represented here and as dancers it probably was a larger + for us then those that aren't. But I don't think it takes a dancer to appreciate what Katie Belles represented and the positive impression the atmosphere probably left in most peoples mind. A Trader Joes (or what ever) in the first floor or a floating dance floor upstairs is kind of like saying we are improving the golf here by replacing the last 2 holes with miniature golf and everyone shaking there head and saying "The Villages can't be wrong give them a chance, I'm sure it will be just great like everything else they did". Could it have been updated a bit > perhaps; could the food have been improved > YES, could the drink prices be lower > N0. I think the only thing that would soften my opinion is building a nicer facility, with even more character, in Brownwood and I don't see that happening but I guess I can hope. Oh BTW I do golf (some have questioned this ) now and would not be happy with miniature golf on the last 2 holes > move that over to the soft ball fields between 2nd, 3rd AND HOME base ( I don't play softball) -- keep away from the PB courts. Oh (two many Oh) I think the name of the new facility should be changed since calling it Katie Belles wouldn't be right; How about "Upstairs at Spanish Springs" or a real classy name thats sure draw like dinning at "Trader Joes" (or what ever). Got all that off my chest for now, wish I could get it off my mid section as easy.