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Old 04-06-2015, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Kansas is the poster child for the draconian effects of overaggressive tax cutting. The cutting of school funding was an unintended result of revenue loss, along with major cuts in funding of road maintenance and severe credit rating drops. Gov. brownback PROMISED during the recent election (that he won over dem. Paul Davis by a close margin despite being in the redest of red states) that he would not cut school spending. So much for relying on politicians campaign rhetoric, and besides, those kids don't need such a long school year anyway, since the US leads the world in educational results----------ahh opps! Trust the legislature - on what possible wisdom is that trust based? I am sure that they will find other places to cut like police and fire protection, but not their salaries or benefits. They are now considering a raise in tobacco taxes so that they can fund the necessary services primarily on the backs of the poor, while continuing to lower income taxes on the upper classes.
Your post gave me several good chuckles, and for that, I thank you.

It sounds to me like "Kansas is the poster child for the draconian effects of overaggressive tax SPENDING!

Please explain to me how "they are now considering a raise in tobacco taxes so that they can fund the necessary services primarily on the backs of the poor..."