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Old 04-18-2015, 06:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear Guest:

First the quote "He doth protest too much, me thinks" doesn't apply. I only ventured an opinion, not a protest.

Secondly while it is not true that I am either homophobic or a bigot even if it were true what difference does it make, providing I live my life without interfering in other lives? Why is it that I am denied choices? Why is it I am subjected to being called names just because of my values? Have we finally reached that Orwellian world. Why is it OK for Home Depot to push for gay issues without ridicule but a place like Chick Fil A is subjected to demands and vilified? The Indian spices do not agree with my taste buds. Its no more than that. My daughter loves the stuff.

The reason we are having this conversation is that many people are sick and tired of the intellectual violence being advanced by the gay community to anyone who opposes their idea of what the world should look like.

Cest la vie
Great post, as were your questions in the previous post. Only a twisted mind could have possibly turned that into a claim of racism and/or bigotry. It was clear to any thinking person that you were talking about choices. The hypocrisy that we now see in this country is astounding, as those who demand choices and acceptance denounce anyone who may have a differing opinion.