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Old 05-08-2015, 06:38 PM
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Originally Posted by jnieman View Post
I made a large batch of dough today using the recipe for no-knead white bread on the website. This is the first loaf of bread I have ever made. It turned out great and took only about 15 minutes to mix up and there is enough dough for at least two more loaves of bread! I mixed it by hand because it is a no-knead recipe it was simple. I'm attaching a photo. So far we have had it with just butter, butter and strawberry jelly and for dinner we dipped it in olive oil and herbs. It's a very good recipe. I plan to use some of the dough to make cinnamon rolls with pecans (also the recipe on the same website).
It looks beautiful! I bet it won't be the last loaf you make, either.
It's harder to hate close up.