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Old 05-09-2015, 05:19 PM
bagboy bagboy is offline
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Originally Posted by lafoto View Post
I think the system is broken. I think instead of having to report someone for the heinous crime of placing a small ceramic statue in their garden, the person who is offended by said statue should have to confront the classless buffoon face to face. I can imagine the conversation would go like this, " Hi Johnny I am your neighbor 5 doors down the block and I drive down the street everyday and I am appalled at your lack of taste and class with your choice of lawn decoration! Get rid of that lawn gnome right now!" Johnny might reply with," Oh its nice to meet you! I have seen you and your lovely wife riding down the street with your gnome documentation equipment. That is you right? You have that neon pink cart with all the little fuzzy dice hanging from roof. I love those floral Moo Moos your wife wears and those clown sunglasses are just priceless! Well listen about my yard gnome....I am retired and I just dont give a sh-- any more. I moved down here to Americas friendliest hometown so that I can spend what time i have left on this planet just relaxing. I have lots of friends here who dont care how much money I have, or what kind of car I drive, and they certainly dont care if I have a lawn gnome or not! So listen when you pass my house in the future please just avert your eyes and keep right on going. And one last thing... please tell your wife that Omar the tent maker is having a sale on Moomoos this week!"

That must have taken quite some time to think that through, the again...maybe not.