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Old 05-22-2015, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Did anyone else happen tnotice in the interviews her highness granted last week, the woman cannot look anybody or the camera in the eye.

A very telling trait of discomfort of the situation. Then there are those who suggest it is easier to speak untruths when not looking anybody in the eye.

Either way it is apparent she is struggling. Ya see, in the long run, it really does make a difference. Those who lie or exaggerate never remember what they said last or whether they addressed the subject at all; hence distracted by reality when confronted eye to paid participants!
I did notice that and likewise thought it peculiar.

Something else ... whenever she talks she has what appears to be a practiced technique of nodding her head ... almost like a bobble head you would see on the dashboard of a beat up car, except she bobs her head more slowly. Have you noticed that as well?

My guess is someone is coaching her and said this will make her seem nicer to people?