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Old 07-03-2015, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Will Carly release all of her personal and business tax records before the debates?

Do you honestly feel that she will be the Republican candidate.

I am quite sure your answer to both questions is NO.

Please answer only those two questions and do not throw in any qualifiers or whatever's. Thank you.

Semper Fi
Dear Guest: did you not read the opening of my last post. I said it was too early to determine anything...................

I said that Carly Fiorina had appeal because she speaks openly honestly and factually. I said I like her because she is not a professional /career politician

so yes if she is asked he will open up her finances. And yes of the RNC/GOP Establishments stops trying to decide the GOP candidate she has a good chance And I also said anything can and will happen in a political campaign. The short of it is that its too early to predict but if Fiorina is a viable candidate she will release her finances.

Why don't voters stop and take a breath and reflect on what has been happening to our political system we have a bunch of artful dodgers who are very capable of lying to your face, don't care what voters want and exist only to survive the next election because of all of the perks and prestige but fail to perform. We need more Donald Trumps and Carly Fiorina's. We need less attorneys because they have overtaken Washington and have a written so much useless regulations that business can't respond and can't afford to meet their demands. We need to half the federal government dump a number of useless departments and agencies and revamp .

Aren't you sick of the division, of the abuse by agencies, of the need for special prosecutors because politicians can't obey the law?

Harry Reid proudly admittedly that he lied twice about Mitt Romney's taxes because he believed it prevented Romney from becoming president.
The media stood silent and I'll make a guess thata portion of the left high fived him. Can you imagine how low this nation has come when there is no public or moral outrage. do you want people like Reid conducting "the people;s business"? I don't and there is nothing that has ever caused me to to sacrifice my principles and my moral beliefs...and like many of you I have been tested a number of times.

Well I am not going to be someone's "useful idiot". I will look at every candidate and exercise my individual right to choose not based on party or poll but my assessment as to how that candidate will perform if elected.

Personal Best Regards: