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Old 02-25-2008, 06:01 PM
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Default Re: Do You Think We Will Be Attacked Soon, No Matter Who Becomes President?

Another one who believes it is simply a matter of time. I've lived in Muslim countries. Most of the people are warm, wonderful. The fanatics, however, are downright frightening in their hatred. They don't care if the innocent are harmed. If you try to point out to them that paradise will not be accorded to them if war is made upon innocent women and children, they don't believe it because their leaders have taught them differently. Most cannot read the K'oran -- it is taught to them verbally and only those portions that further the cause of the fanatic leaders.

Sadly, I don't think it is possible to truly close America's borders. It is too vast. Even if we could, I doubt it would stop anyone truly wanting to get in to do harm. This is pretty much true of anyone wanting to do harm to another. The only way to be kept from harm is to truly disappear and this is a pretty big nation to hide. You also have to remember that many of our so-called terrorists are born and bred Americans (think McVey and his ilk) or have been here for a period of time already.